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Two Day Intensive Self-Healing Workshop: Healing the Self to Heal Humanity

Course Details

Date and Time: Saturday and Sunday, 24th & 25th May, 2025. 9am – 6pm Location: 47 Silverton Drive, Ferntree Gully, Victoria 3156 Cost: $220.00 (G.S.T. Included) For more information and to book a place: contact Paul on 0417 110 755 or email Morning and afternoon tea provided BYO Lunch (there are shops nearby if needed)

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What is this workshop about?

This workshop is designed to teach/remind participants how to tune into and heal and integrate all the many aspects of the self (spiritual, intuitive, mental, emotional, energetic and physical). We will look at all the anatomy that makes up our holistic selves and learn how to recognise/tune into the health within in order to help us heal our minds, emotions and bodies.

Why is this healing needed?

In the world we are living in there is an enormous amount of suffering, conflict, confusion, dis-ease, illness and a general forgetting of how to tune in and heal the self from within out. We have collectively it seems, forgotten how to tap into the inner self and become aware of our inner health and guidance system. We have become ‘out of sync’ with our own ‘inner’ Nature (ideal blueprint) and therefore also ‘outer’ Nature.

In order to get back in sync and heal the world, it all starts with learning to go within and tune into our inner health, to recognise the presence of health and dis-ease within and then to align all of the conflicted elements of our being once again with our ideal healthy blueprint. Having done this, we can bring ourselves back into balance and then naturally and lovingly overflow this out onto others. In this way, we can become responsible (RESPONSE-ABLE) healthy ‘decent’ human beings able to form healthy relationships without (because of the healthy relationships within) and spread health and wellness to others in a WIN-WIN loving caring, uplifting and empowering manner.

The weekend will be divided up into five sections, each designed to create or enhance awareness of different elements of the self and the healing process and then put this into practice with self-awareness and healing exercises.

Thus, this course will cover the ABC of healing.

Our goal will be ‘TO HEAL OURSELVES SO WE CAN SPREAD HEALTH INSTEAD OF DISEASE’ and thus create a better WIN-WIN sharing and caring world for all.

Part 1: Principles of Healing

This provides an overview of the WHOLE Person and the holistic model; Investigating Health and Dis-ease (e.g., what having a healthy system actually means and how it protects us, keeps us safe and guides us though life); Finding the co-ordinates of Health and Dis-ease; Reaction vs. Response. How to use the mind and senses to become aware of health and disease within ourselves (to restore healthy relationships); Visualisation as a tool (tuning in vs. tuning out); The four stages of healing; Coming to ‘Neutral’ and its importance to set the stage for healing; Centring vs. Healing: Centring exercises.

Part 2: The Energy Centres

We will discuss the centres of energy/force within the body and perform healing exercises to align these energies.

Part 3: The multidimensional self.

Here we more deeply explore the different levels/layers and elements of our being as well as learn exercises to tune in, centre, align and heal these many aspects to function as one integrated unit.

Part 4: Forms and Time: Begins to integrate parts 1, 2 and 3.

We Discuss FORMS (thought, emotional etc), perspectives on healing, time, dealing with complex (chronic/difficult patterns) and the impact of past trauma and reaction patterns in the healing process and healing exercises to recognise and balance these.

Part 5: Relationships.

Starts to integrate the preceding steps further in that only once we are aware and clear of our own health and imbalance patterns can we truly begin to understand our part in the healing of relationships with others and in healing the world. If we know ‘not’ what is our own responsibility, how can we hope to heal our external relationship conflicts and thus be conscious, responsible co-creators in the external world?

The approximate time to cover these topics will vary depending on the needs of the group but the rough plan is as follows.

In DAY 1:

We should be able to explore parts 1 and 2 and the theory section of part 3.

In DAY 2:

We will start the day with a self-healing exercise on dimensions and then move on to Parts 4 and 5, finishing with ideas and exercises to fill ourselves with health and overflow this health onto others to help form healthy win-win relationships.

Note: The Visualisation exercises we will perform will be catered to the needs of the Group and so may vary depending on these needs. This is the benefit of an intensive workshop. It will be adapted to the needs of each individual and allow opportunity for your input and to answer any specific questions you may have in order to improve both theoretical and practical understanding/application of this knowledge. This should enhance the effectiveness of this information in your personal lives and also give you some helpful tools to meet future life challenges with expanded holistic context and understanding.


It was a pleasure to attend Paul Turner’s workshops on healing and meditation. Paul is a great teacher. Exploration of different meditation techniques allowed me to focus better, keep my mind in a better shape and learn more about myself. Paul’s explanation of balance and centering allowed me to reflect on my experiences in daily life and come back to health and center when my thinking or state of balance were off track. I especially enjoyed the opportunity to ask questions directly and clarify the specific questions I had about consciousness, health, wellbeing. Overall, excellent experience on my way to a better mastery of self.

Helen N.

This is a one of a kind course on self-exploration and self-healing, deeply profound yet so very simple. Paul is a great intuitive teacher. In this course he demystifies complex philosophical and existential concepts explaining them plainly with lots of examples from his professional and personal experience. His theory is thought provoking and his meditations are incredibly powerful. The simple concepts that Paul teaches are applicable not just for self-healing but also for healing our relationships with other people and external world. I have found Paul’s tools to be very practical not just for meditations to self-heal, but also to help me stay more self-aware and balanced in everyday situations and handle stress much better. I highly recommend this course to anybody working on personal and spiritual growth as it offers a great opportunity to improve, deepen and speed up progress on self-healing and self-awareness journey.

Veronika. O

I enjoyed going to Paul’s classes, he provided interesting and helpful insight into how the world is set up on many plains and how we attract or can diffuse illness, how to check and centre yourself to ensure you are following your divine guidance. Paul is a beautiful and enlightened soul whose presence alone is quite therapeutic. His guided visualisation meditations were especially enlightening and a great way to bring attention to an issue. The opportunity to ask questions and brainstorm ideas for a particular issue with Paul and other group participants was also very handy at times. All in all, it was a great experience and I would highly recommend the classes!

Irena C.

From the Blog

Two Day Intensive Self-Healing Workshop: Healing the Self to Heal Humanity.

Two Day Intensive Self-Healing Workshop: Healing the Self to Heal Humanity. What is this workshop about? This workshop is designed to teach/remind participants how to tune into and heal and integrate all the many aspects of the self (spiritual, intuitive, mental, emotional, energetic and physical).   ...

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Workshop Options

For Clients

For Clients and anyone interested in learning about our multidimensional selves, deepen self awareness, improve self healing – the 1 day introduction to multidimensional healing course might be the best option for you.


An Introduction to Multidimensional Healing – 1 Day intro course.

This workshop will cover the basics of understanding the multidimensional nature of our selves and teach you visualisation exercises to help balance your whole ‘BEING’ and work towards long term health gains.

Two Day Intensive Self-Healing Workshop: Healing the Self to Heal Humanity

For Practitioners

For Practitioners wanting to learn how to integrate Holism into their traditional practice, improve ability to find/explain/and treat the relationship between “what else” (or the primary underlying problem patterns) and the tissues causing symptoms, deepen self awareness, self-healing ability and link postural findings to multidimensional levels of dysfunction and health – modules 1-4 are designed to help you integrate these elements and enhance your holistic practice.

Practitioner Courses


The Art of Listening to the Body (Holistic Assessment, Treatment & Rehabilitation) – 2 Days

Note: Now a full online holistic health education course but can run as workshop if required


Holistic Articulation Technique – 2 Days

Note: a short online introductory course is now available and also i have combined some of the material from module 1 and 2 together into a new course:

2 Day Integration Workshop: Finding and treating Primary Problem Patterns (& Using Articulation as a Holistic Treatment Tool)


Holistic Muscle Energy Technique – 2 Days

Note: a short online introductory course is now available


Multidimensional Healing (Self awareness – Craniosacral course) – 6 Days.

For practitioners or people wanting to deepen their healing journey (discuss with Paul to see if it would suit you).

This workshop takes traditional assessment and treatment to a much deeper level utilising the inherent self-healing potential and life energies within in order to help restore health and function to the whole person.

In this workshop we will review traditional cranio-sacral anatomy/physiology and its application in healing.  Learn how to use the mind as a tool which can be utilised to expand our assessment of traditional anatomy and inner rhythms of the body to include energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual anatomy and physiology.  Time and relationships are also explored in this workshop.  Treatment is approached from the perspective of the whole rather than the part. Thus, treatment explores how to allow the inner guidance of the “HEALTH within” to help us identify what levels and anatomy of “being” are ready and require treatment and also from where we need to be in order to achieve maximum effects – rather than on applying treatment to an isolated part with little awareness of the parts relation, and potential importance, in that moment with the whole.   Exercises in this workshop also explore self-healing and its importance in the treatment of others.

A Holistic Multidimensional Framework - integration course

The above diagram illustrates the emphasis in my workshops (i.e. finding the “what else” and being able to apply treatments to restore relationship imbalances between this “what else” and the tissues causing symptoms.  I realised I already had all the material for a full integration bridging course but needed the “Theoretical Framework of Holism” from my research to make clear the “GAP” needing to be filled and thus highlight the focus-emphasis of my courses.   So, until health courses fully incorporate the holistic model in balanced emphasis with the biomedical, if you feel this is an element which was not integrated fully in your course, this might be a suitable option to BRIDGE THE GAP between the two approaches.

The proposed structure for a full course can be seen in this PDF link: HMM integration course plan

PHASE 1: Module 1;  relates to “FINDING THE WHAT ELSE”

PHASE 2:  Module 2 & 3; relates to TREATING THE WHAT ELSE’ using two commonly used technique approaches which can be easily applied to most manual therapies methods (applied holistically to address relationship links – not just local dysfunctions).

PHASE 3: Module 4; LINKS PHYSICAL “WHAT ELSE” with MULTIDIMENSIONAL ELEMENTS OF THE HOLISTIC PROBLEM PATTERN (multidimensional A.R.T.).  This would be optional for those who want to take it deeper and link physical findings to other levels and time elements of the problem pattern.

I will keep you posted but hope to have this course fully operational in the near future.  I have now converted (and expanded) my “Holistic integrated Assessment”DVD set and manual into an online course.

I am also planning to put my self healing meditation exercises on audio – so exciting things to look forward to in the future.


  • These are proposed times/dates and may be subject to some change depending on circumstances.  Alternative options are welcome.
  • NOT ALL WORKSHOPS ARE RUNNING IN 2021 BUT IF INTERESTED CONTACT ME AND I CAN PUT ONE ON (for interested groups – numbers permitting).
  • CPD points may apply (14 hours for 2 day workshop, 42 hours for 6 day workshop and 16 hours for review of DVD’s on Wholistic Integrated Assessment).
  • INQUIRIES WELCOME:  if you have a group interested in any of these or other workshops (alternate times/locations, etc).  I am happy to conduct other short talks, presentations or workshops for groups/organisations – 1-2 Hrs, 1/2 day, full day or more as needed) – contact me if interested.