Founder of Turner Publications and practising Osteopath.
Paul graduated as an Osteopath in 1993 and has had many years of experience in Cranio-sacral and Biodynamic Osteopathy as well as multi-dimensional healing methods. From his early years in practice he spent many years studying many texts on healing, self development, spiritual wisdom, philosophy and yoga. He then explored ways to test and then integrate this information into his personal life as well as his osteopathic studies and practice.
Initially, he tried exploring these ideas in his own life and practice and then, upon discovering that they significantly enhanced the healing process and recovery of many clients, he started sharing this information with others through running his workshops, doing talks, presentations and also when supervising students through his lecturing or on volunteer events working with other practitioners and students treating the participants.
While studying Osteopathy and trying to see how the whole picture comes together he began to realise that there was an essential element missing from (or it seemed little understood within) the teaching programs.
This missing element in developing “integrated awareness” in students was further emphasised when he began teaching in 1996 at Massage and Natural Therapies colleges and over the years since. He discovered that no matter where he taught that students confidence in understanding how the various components of the whole fitted together in order to be able to treat more effectively was generally speaking, poor. An understanding of symptoms and treating tissues causing symptoms and pain was often present (as was a regional knowledge of anatomy, physiology and clinical conditions, etc) but when it came to actually understanding of the patterns of dysfunction predisposing and setting up the symptom picture (cause to effect), in an actual living client, wholistically speaking – i.e. the RELATIONSHIPS between the various aspects of anatomy involved and understanding the meanings of these relationships – as guided by the tissues in need – (rather than simply educated hypotheses based upon book learning) – the feedback was generally one where practitioners and students felt they could definately improve. It is the learning about methods of how to listen to and trust the tissues to guide us, as to where the important patterns are setting up the problem pattern, that needed to be developed and then, to learn when to work on the involved patterns and areas, as guided by the intelligence within the body (and in what order), that needs developing rather than just developing an intellectual understanding of the various body of knowledge (such as anatomy, conditions, regional assessment and treatment technique approaches, etc) on their own. Without this inner developed sence of how to PRACTICALLY READ and understand the tissues, one’s knowledge doesn’t get converted into WISDOM and thus students and practitioners alike, due to this lack of understanding, often fall back to the usual symptomatic (pain focused) or regionally based approach to diagnosis and treatment.
It was because of this missing element that Paul wrote his first book “Bridging the Gap in Health Care – An Integrated Osteopathic Approach” (now subtitled “The Basics of Wholistic Assessment”). Because he observed this same struggle in others (and still does today) he thought that writing a book may help students piece the puzzle together a little better.
Later, Paul realised that the ideas explored philosophically in Bridging the Gap 1 (BTG1) needed to be expressed in a more Practical, case study oriented way which would help students follow a path to understanding all that they learn in training. He needed to develop a wholistic course which, simply and in understandable terminology, outlines the steps and exercises needed to develop AWARENESS and understanding while one assesses and treats.
Thus, he developed a DVD educational series with an accompanying manual, called “WHOLISTIC INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT, A Teacher-Student Guide (WIA)” [which is now also converted and expanded into an ONLINE EDUCATIONAL COURSE]. This guide converts some of the ideas conveyed in BTG1 into a more practical step by step guide to support integrated learning for students or practitioners within any manual therapy profession. The goal of this work is to replace the “missing integrative element” back into the education system so that all practitioners can work with UNITY and understanding – thus working together for the benefit of their patients.
Simultaneous with all of this, Paul has been running workshops on Multidimensional Healing and has also developed a third book to support these workshops called “Bridging the Gap in Health Care 2 – Multidimensional Assessment” (BTG2). This is particularly useful once the concepts in BTG1 and WIA are understood and developed practically because, once the mind is understood as an assessment tool, it is not really such a great leap to explore other levels of being in a scientific and rational way using the mind as a tool (i.e. it links the primary problem patterns uncovered in the physical body to dysfunction patterns on other levels of being).
Thus, the goal of BTG1 and 2 is to approach the same whole from two different perspectives; 1) from a physical, ground up, perspective, integrating and then building on what we already know from our traditional studies and 2) from the other way around, integrating our understanding from a more energetic above down perspective; from the perspective of the whole to the part.
Paul is happy to have these publications finally available for your investigation and interest. Investigate the materials and make your own minds up as to whether you like them or not. We hope you enjoy this website and its materials.